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Articles and Material

We share links to freely available resources and the resources themselves, which contain a wealth of theoretical material from university academics and researchers, as well as extremely useful resources, including a huge database of activities for developing gifted children.

The Major Goals of Gifted Education And Talent Development Programs

Joseph Renzulli, University of Connecticut

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A Feminine Perspective of Giftedness

Linda Kreger Silverman and Nancy B. Miller

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Defining What Characterizes a Great School for the Gifted

Harry T. Roman Teacher, Author, Inventor & Retired Engineer

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Diagnosing and schooling of gifted children: The example of Israel

Hanna David

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Does the Gifted Student Need a Gifted Teacher?

Hanna David Tel-Aviv University

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Ethical Issues in Educating and Counseling the Gifted

Hanna David Tel-Aviv University

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Gifted education: changing conceptions, emphases and practice

Dona J. Matthewsa and David Yun Dai

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Gifted education in Hong Kong and Israel: A comparative study

Hanna David & Echo H. Wu Tel Aviv University, Israel & University of Virginia

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Is there still a need for gifted education? An examination of current research

Sally M. Reis, Joseph S. Renzulli Educational Psychology Department, Neag School of Education, The University of Connecticut, United States

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Starting from the Beginning: On Building a School and Community-Based System Supporting the Gifted

Hanna David & Echo H. Wu Tel Aviv University, Israel & University of Virginia

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School Won’t Change – Until We are Brave Enough to Change the Way We Teach Teachers

Harry T. Roman Teacher, Author, Inventor & Retired Engineer

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Should We Continue to Use the Term “Giftedness”? YES

Hanna David

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Suicide Threats and Suicide Attempts among the Gifted

Hanna David Tel Aviv University, Israel

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Teaching Gifted English Language Learners: Tools for the Regular Classroom

Joan Franklin Smutny The Center for Gifted Glenview, Illinois

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Why It’s Essential That We Identify and Support Creativity in Gifted Children

Kathryn P. Haydon Sparkitivity Katonah, New York

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Giftedness And School: New Issues And Challenges

Arthur J. Cropley

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Conceptions Of Giftedness (Second Edition)

Robert ]. Sternberg, Janet E. Davidson

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Teaching Students Who Are Gifted And Talented (A Handbook For Teachers)

Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Education

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Teaching Able,Gifted And Talented Children

Clive Tunnicliffe

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Bias in Gifted Identification and Education: Parents’ Role in Nurturing Their Gifted Daughters

Vanguard Gifted Academy

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Qualities of Ideal Teacher Educators

İdeal Öğretmen Eğitimcilerinde Bulunması Gereken Nitelikler

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The dark side of brilliance: The emotional and social struggles of gifted children

Or Sopher

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